Terms and Conditions

Photo: Package sample


All prices are complete prices in euro (€), i.e. artwork including packaging, shipping and insurance up to the price of the artwork. There are no additional or hidden costs.

After your picture selectionThis is how it continues

Please send me an email with the following information:

- Title of the artwork
- Your first and last name
- Your full postal (=delivery) address including country
- Your telephone number (only for  DHL, not me, in case of delivery   queries)
- Your payment method (PayPal)
- In return I will send you the name of my PayPal account.
- After receipt of payment I will ship your package within three working days (Mo.-Fr.) and send you the DHL tracking number. 

Please note that artwork prices are not negotiable.









1. Double layer paper and bubble wrap inner packaging with corner protection (see photo) 

2. Outer packaging sturdy cardboard (see photo)

Delivery documents

Commercial invoice with/without EORI number („Economic Operators´ Registration and Identification“, a unique number used to identify and record customs information in trade with non-European countries to make the official customs procedure safer and easier); customs documents (depending on the country of destination; certificate of authenticity.

Payment methods



Payments are in Euro (€) only.

Payments from countries outside the Euro zone: You are responsible for any transfer costs.



Damage in transit

Immediately upon receipt, inspect the artwork for possible damage in transit. If the artwork arrives in a damaged condition, please inform me immediately with meaningful photos and a description of the damage for insurance handling.

General Terms and Conditions

Private sale under German law (BGB). 
Court of jurisdiction: Dachau






Art under 1000 € 
Direct Sales: Tempera Gallery   
Direct Sales: Stripes Gallery
Direct Sales: Dots Gallery 
Direct Sales: Work on paper Gallery
Direct Sales: Sumi-e Gallery      About me - Portrait/CV

Send your message



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