2 penguins survive a blizzard S-T2-3040
480 € incl. frame, DHL, insurance and packaging.
24.2 x 31.4 cm, 30x40 in frame, Sumi-e (Japanese ink wash painting) on Asian paper.
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Installation view (example)
My artist's seal (called "rakkan" in Japanese) reads "Sokyu", which means deep blue high in the sky.
Origin of Seal Rakkan
seal, in an East and Southeast Asian context, is a general name for printing stamps and impressions thereof which are used in lieu of signatures in personal documents, office paperwork, contracts, art, or any item requiring acknowledgement or authorship. On documents they were usually used to print an impression using a pigmented paste or ink, unlike the wax impression commonly used in Europe.
*My rakkan (above) is pronouced “Sokyu”. meaning hemispheric blue sky over 10,000 m high
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