Mayumi Yamakawa studied Japanese techniques and forms of expression of fine art with the painter Hozan Matsumoto in her home town, Kobe.
Following her relocation to Germany in the late Eighties, Yamakawa immersed herself in the use of traditional and modern European methods and recipes to make her own paints, and in handling these paint "raw materials". As a result she discovered egg tempera and tempera grassa (egg oil tempera) as effective mediums for painting, and at the same time broadened her artistic range.
Pigment turns into color, light, phenomenon
Mayumi Yamakawa has detected egg oil tempera as her ideal painting material. Applying a sophisticated mix of “Western” and Japanese pigments she has developed her way to express light effects and sentiments. Deeply lucent and shimmering color surfaces fill the chosen painting format. Her very beautiful works, as I see it, reflect a subtle sensibility for color nuances.
Stefan Moritz Becker, Munich, Germany
Stefan Moritz Becker (1958 - 2013, Munich, Germany)
Studied painting at the Academy of Visual Arts, Stuttgart, Germany; 1986 - 1997 art studio in New York City
Various prizes (selection):German Academic Exchange Scholarship for N.Y.; Siemens Art Program; Art/Omi International Arts Center, N.Y.
Public collections (selection): Bush-Reisinger Museum at Harvard University; Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich; Municipal Gallery Lenbachhaus, Munich, various percent for art projects in Germany
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